Friday, February 1, 2013

I a going to review the Maximum Ride series: This series is awesome its like X-men meets sci-fi. So Maximum Ride is a girl and a science experiment to the govt.. She has to take care of herself and her family, The Flock. You see Max, Angel, Fang, Gazzy, Iggy, and Nudge are each 2% avian DNA and 98% human, or Avian American. The Flock has escaped the govt. for now but are constantly on the run. At some points, the flock must protect the earth from the megalomaniacs who don't care if they commit genocide to wipe out the whole population of the earth. But can they? Max also has to decide between guys, a dude who literally popped from the sky or someone who she's known all her life. 



  1. Love those books!!!!!James patterson also wrote a new series that i like it's called Confessions of a murder suspect:)Plus if you loved these books read the gallagher girls series and after that the heist society books!!!(both series by ally carter)


  2. I totally agree with you, those series are great
